Orléans Audiologist, Karine Bossé Speaks With Go Solo


Orléans Audiologist, Karine Bossé Speaks With Go Solo

Karine Bossé, owner of Echo Audiology, firmly believes that hearing better must become an enjoyable experience. In an interview with Go Solo, she talks about how her audiology clinic in Orléans helps the local community with caring, personalized hearing consultations to help them enjoy the experience. As an audiologist in Orléans, she values the opportunity to serve the families in the area where she grew up. Being the recipient of the 2022 Ottawa Awards for Ottawa’s Best Hearing Specialist, Bossé represents a model entrepreneur who loves her community and her profession.  

How Echo Audiology Helps The Greater Ottawa Community With Better Hearing  

Echo Audiology is a bilingual hearing clinic that takes a holistic approach to hearing care. Bossé focuses on the patient’s individual needs and offers support to manage difficulties. The clinic sees patients of all ages, from children as young as 6 months up to 17 years old, and adults from 18 to seniors. Although the audiology clinic in Orléans has only been open since 2017, it is only the second clinic in Canada to be designated as a Patient-Centered Care hearing clinic.  

Business Advice For Entrepreneurs  

Bossé’s interview includes advice as a business owner who took a small business in an area that was saturated with competition and grew it to become one of the best clinics in the community. She praises her team, reminding other business owners that growing an enterprise isn’t all on their shoulders alone—teamwork is important!  

This article is a great read to learn more about the people at Echo Audiology and why this audiology clinic in Orléans is a great example of a professional’s dedication, passion and exceptional skills. Read Bossé’s full interview with Go Solo here: https://gosolo.subkit.com/echo-audiology/  



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