Understanding the Role of an Audiologist – Why is your Hearing So Important!
Audiology is a health science and a rehabilitative health care profession. Audiologists study similar University Programs as other professionals we know such as Speech-Language Pathologists and Occupational Therapists. However, their day to day tasks are more like those of an Optometrist. Audiologists evaluate everything related to your ear and your hearing. They gather information, take measurements, counsel, and recommend appropriate rehabilitative treatment plans. There are a variety of solutions available to treat hearing, so the Audiologist is tasked to break that down and recommend the appropriate solutions for you. It takes about 6 years to become an Audiologist, starting with a 4-year undergrad, followed by a 2-3-year Audiology Master’s Degree, which is only offered in five Universities in Canada. Audiologists study topics such as Anatomy, Physiology, Physics, Acoustics and Perceptions of the Auditory System, Rehabilitation, Counselling and much more! Audiologists ...