
Showing posts from April, 2020

What Causes Hearing Aid Background Noise?

The root cause of hearing aid background noise stems from the fact that hearing loss is typically a gradual process. For most people, they don’t really notice their hearing declining until someone in their surroundings points it out. A lot of people think that experiencing hearing difficulties come with age, or that their difficulties are not necessarily caused by hearing loss itself, but rather caused by other people mumbling. In some cases, they are correct. But for most people, the cause of their problems really does stem from damage to their hearing. Read on to learn why hearing aid background noise can occur! When you have a gradual hearing loss, your brain slowly adjusts to hearing differently, year after year. When we fit a hearing aid on someone who has had hearing loss for years, the amount of volume they are now hearing can be a bit shocking, so they feel like they are hearing a bit of an echo, which actually comes  from natural reverberation of sound  that has...

Hearing Loss & Communication Tips

Communication allows us to share our feelings and emotions with others, as well as be social and participate in our daily activities. Communication may seem like a basic function, but it is in fact a privilege that can sometimes be taken for granted. Here’s a useful list of hearing loss & communication tips! Losing your hearing can be difficult to adjust to. Even with  hearing aids , people with hearing loss can sometimes still struggle to hear speech clearly. This can be hard to cope with, and difficult for others to understand. At Echo Audiology, we came up with a list of communication strategies that can help you communicate more efficiently, whether you have hearing loss yourself or whether you are speaking with someone who has hearing loss: Tips for listening when you have a hearing loss… Look at the person who is speaking, so you can take advantage of visual cues In group environments, try to have only one person speak at once Don’t be afraid to ask...