
Showing posts from November, 2019

How to Manage Tinnitus

Unsure how to manage tinnitus? If you have this symptom, your first step is to consult with an Audiologist who is known to provide tinnitus consultations and who has experience working with patients who have tinnitus. As an Audiologist, a full hearing assessment and a full intake of your health history will help determine if your tinnitus comes from an acoustic nature or if there may be another medical cause for its presence. This information will help to determine which rehabilitation options are best suited for your specific situation. Basically, if the  cause of tinnitus  is stemming from an acoustic source, we could be recommending anything from professional counselling, the use of environmental tinnitus masking strategies, Tinnitus Retraining Therapy, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and sometimes hearing aids as well. Hearing aids is often the quickest way to help your tinnitus, as they help distract your brain from listening to the tinnitus. Seeing that most people ...

How Long Does Tinnitus Last?

While there is no definitive answer to this question, how long tinnitus lasts depends on the cause and severity of this symptom. For example, noise-induced tinnitus could be temporary or occasional, whereas, if there is more severe damage over time to the hearing system, tinnitus could be more of a permanent symptom. Is Tinnitus Permanent or Temporary? If tinnitus is the result of a one-off exposure to loud noise like a concert, or an extension of an allergic reaction, tinnitus is typically temporary. It usually will subside within a few hours or a few days; or once the hearing system has recovered or the allergic reaction is addressed. This said, if you experience ongoing exposure to noise or have an underlying medical condition that can cause tinnitus, it may, in these cases, be permanent. As per  Statistics Canada , four out of every ten adult Canadians experience some degree of tinnitus, yet most people do not actually report it to their healthcare providers. Ulti...