Itchy ears or discomfort after I get my Hearing Aids

Do you have Itchy ears after your hearing aid fitting? Everyone’s ears are different. They are different in the shape and size, and they are different in their levels of sensitivity. When we first fit a patient with hearing aids, some people don’t notice them at all, while others may feel like there is something foreign in their ear. One of the symptoms that people may experience is itchiness . Sometimes this is caused by a skin condition like eczema, that the hearing aid is now exacerbating. In these cases, we often recommend for our patients to check in with their family Physician to see if there is a lotion that they can apply on their ear canal. Remember, the ear canal is basically just another area covered with skin. In these cases, whatever lotion is appropriate usually works. If there are no skin conditions that the patient is aware of, they can also try Eargene. It is a product that most Audiology clinics carry, that helps to alleviate this sensation of itchiness. ...